.. _periodic_tasks: Periodic Tasks ============== Periodic Tasks are handled by Celery Beat. Starting thw workers with the --beat option will allow you to start the periodic task service. Remember to start the separate beat daemon if running in production/staging modes. Most details can be found at http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/userguide/periodic-tasks.html Analytics automated installs the django-celery-beat package so you can use the A_A interface to configure periodic tasks rather than using the settings files. https://pypi.org/project/django_celery_beat/ To build a periodic job you should create a job as normal as described elsewhere in these docs. Then, when setting a periodic task you must register the task as the 'analytics_automated.tasks.task_job_runner'. Further down the page set the Interval or Crontab as per a celery beat instructions. In the arguments list you must add the name of the job your wish to run. And lastly the queue on which the job should run must be set. If you can create a new 'Queue Type' for periodic tasks but you must ensure you have started some workers which as listening to that queue